Greeva Basti Ayurvedic Treatment in Delhi NCR

Get holistic healing at Pathyam Ayurveda Centre, specializing in Greeva Basti Ayurvedic Treatment in Delhi NCR. Experience personalized wellness solutions rooted in ancient Ayurvedic wisdom for neck and shoulder ailments. Transform your health journey with our expert practitioners and embrace the path to natural well-being.

Greeva Basti Ayurvedic Treatment in Delhi NCR

Greeva Basti Ayurvedic Treatment in Delhi NCR

Greeva Basti is a therapeutic Ayurvedic treatment that focuses on addressing neck and shoulder-related ailments. In this rejuvenating procedure, a well of dough is created on the affected area, and warm medicated oil is poured and retained within it. This localized oil bath helps alleviate stiffness, pain, and discomfort in the neck and shoulder region by nourishing the muscles and joints. Greeva Basti is renowned for promoting flexibility, reducing inflammation, and enhancing overall mobility.

Rooted in ancient Ayurvedic principles, this treatment offers a natural and holistic approach to relieving tension and restoring balance to the neck and shoulder region. Book an appointment with Pathyam Ayurveda (Ayurveda Treatment Centre in Delhi NCR) for Greeva Basti Ayurvedic Treatment in Delhi NCR.

Benefits Of Greeva Basti Ayurvedic Treatment In Delhi NCR

Greeva Basti therapy, a traditional Ayurvedic practice, offers a range of benefits, Here are some potential benefits of Greeva Basti:

Neck Pain Relief

It is commonly recommended for individuals experiencing neck pain or stiffness. The warm medicated oil used in the treatment helps to lubricate the joints, reduce inflammation.

Improves Mobility

The therapeutic oils used in Greeva Basti penetrate deep into the tissues, promoting flexibility and improved mobility in the neck and shoulder region.

Muscle Relaxation

The warming effect of the medicated oil helps to relax the muscles in the neck, shoulders, and upper back. This can be beneficial for those who experience muscle tension or spasms in these areas.

Nourishes Tissues

It nourishes the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues in the neck. This helps to rejuvenate the tissues, enhance their strength, and support overall neck health.

Reduces Inflammation

The anti-inflammatory properties of the herbal oils used in Greeva Basti may help to reduce inflammation in the cervical region. This can be particularly beneficial for conditions characterized by inflammation, such as cervical spondylosis.

Greeva Basti Ayurvedic Treatment in Delhi NCR

Alleviates Stress and Tension

The soothing and calming nature of the treatment can help alleviate mental stress and tension. This holistic approach considers the interconnectedness of the body and mind.

Balances Vata Dosha

According to Ayurveda, imbalances in the Vata dosha can contribute to neck and shoulder problems. Greeva Basti is believed to help balance Vata dosha, promoting harmony and well-being.

Enhances Circulation

The warm oil used in Greeva Basti promotes blood circulation in the treated area, which can contribute to better nutrient supply to the tissues and the removal of toxins.

Supports Nervous System Health

It is considered to have a positive impact on the nervous system. By nourishing and balancing the nervous tissues, it may help in managing conditions related to nerve impingement or compression.

Preventive Care

Regular sessions of Greeva Basti are often recommended as a preventive measure to maintain neck health and prevent the onset of conditions related to the cervical spine.

Greeva Basti Ayurvedic Treatment in Delhi NCR

Who Should Take Ayurvedic Greeva Basti Ayurvedic Treatment?

Greeva Basti Ayurvedic treatment in Delhi NCR is generally recommended for individuals who experience specific issues related to the neck and cervical region. Here are some indications for those who may benefit from Greeva Basti:

Neck Pain and Stiffness: Individuals experiencing chronic or acute neck pain, stiffness, or discomfort may find relief through Greeva Basti. This treatment helps address muscular and joint-related issues in the cervical region.

Cervical Spondylosis: People diagnosed with cervical spondylosis, a degenerative condition affecting the cervical spine, may find Greeva Basti beneficial. The treatment aims to reduce inflammation and promote the health of the cervical vertebrae.

Muscle Tension and Spasms: Greeva Basti can be beneficial for those dealing with muscle tension, spasms, or tightness in the neck and shoulder area. The warming and relaxing properties of the medicated oils help alleviate muscular discomfort.

Limited Neck Mobility: Individuals with restricted movement in the neck, possibly due to musculoskeletal issues, may consider Greeva Basti. The treatment aims to improve flexibility and enhance the range of motion in the cervical spine.

Nerve Impingement Symptoms: People experiencing symptoms associated with nerve impingement in the neck, such as radiating pain, numbness, or tingling in the arms or shoulders, may find relief through Greeva Basti.

Stress-Related Neck Issues: Greeva Basti is not only physical but also has a calming effect on the mind. Individuals dealing with stress-related neck issues, including tension headaches or psychosomatic neck pain, may benefit from this treatment.

Vata Imbalance: According to Ayurveda, imbalances in the Vata dosha can contribute to neck and joint issues. Greeva Basti is often recommended to balance Vata, providing therapeutic benefits for those with Vata-related concerns.

Postural Issues: People with postural issues, such as those resulting from prolonged sitting, computer work, or poor ergonomics, may benefit from Greeva Basti. The treatment aims to address imbalances caused by poor posture.

Recovery from Neck Injuries: Individuals recovering from neck injuries, such as sprains, strains, or minor traumas, may find Greeva Basti helpful in promoting healing and reducing residual discomfort.

How Does Greeva Basti Ayurvedic Treatment in Delhi NCR Work?

Greeva Basti is an Ayurvedic therapeutic procedure designed to address knee-related issues by using a localized approach.


Before undergoing Greeva Basti, it is important to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. They will assess your overall health, the specific condition of your neck, and determine the appropriate herbal oils or decoctions to be used.

Preparation of Herbal Oil

The Ayurvedic practitioner prepares a specific herbal oil or decoction based on your individual needs. The ingredients may include herbs with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties to alleviate pain and promote healing.

Preparation of the Basti Dam

A dam (container) is created using black gram dough. This dam is placed over the neck region to hold the herbal oil or decoction during the treatment.

Application of Herbal Oil

The prepared herbal oil or decoction is poured into the dam, covering the neck area. The temperature of the oil or decoction is usually kept warm to enhance its therapeutic effects.

Retaining the Basti

The patient is advised to stay still and relax while the herbal oil or decoction is held within the dam for a specific duration. This allows the therapeutic properties of the herbal formulation to penetrate deeply into the neck tissues.

Massage and Manipulation

After the retention period, the Ayurvedic practitioner may perform gentle massage and manipulation of the neck area to enhance the therapeutic effects. This helps improve blood circulation, reduce muscle tension, and alleviate stiffness.

Removal of Basti

The dam is carefully removed, and any excess oil or decoction is wiped off. The patient may be advised to rest for a short period after the treatment.

Post-Treatment Care

Patients are usually advised to avoid exposure to cold drafts, take warm baths, and refrain from excessive neck movements for a specified period after the treatment. Follow-up care and any recommended lifestyle or dietary changes are discussed.


Why Choose Pathyam Ayurveda For Greeva Basti Ayurvedic Treatment In Delhi NCR?

Selecting the right Ayurvedic center, like Pathyam Ayurveda, for Greeva Basti treatment can ensure a safe and effective experience. Here are reasons to choose Pathyam Ayurveda for Greeva Basti:



Pathyam Ayurveda is staffed with skilled Ayurvedic practitioners who are knowledgeable about Greeva Basti treatment. They can tailor the treatment to your specific needs and dosha type.

Authentic Ayurveda

Authentic Ayurveda

Pathyam Ayurveda follows traditional Ayurvedic practices, ensuring that the therapy is administered as per the ancient texts and principles.

Personalized Care

Personalized Care

Pathyam Ayurveda offers personalized consultations to understand your health concerns and customize the Greeva Basti treatment accordingly.

Holistic Approach

Holistic Approach

Pathyam Ayurveda may offer a holistic approach, including dietary and lifestyle guidance, to complement the Greeva Basti therapy for better results.

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    Read FAQ Related To Greeva Basti Ayurvedic Treatment In Delhi NCR!

    Greeva Basti is an Ayurvedic treatment that involves holding herbal oil or decoction over the neck area using a dam made of black gram dough. It is commonly used to address conditions such as cervical spondylosis, neck pain, stiffness, and muscular spasms.

    The duration of a Greeva Basti session can vary, but it typically lasts around 30 to 45 minutes. The specific time may be determined by the Ayurvedic practitioner based on the patient’s condition and individual needs.

    Patients may be advised to avoid heavy meals before the treatment. Additionally, wearing comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the neck area is recommended. It’s essential to consult with the Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized guidelines.

    Greeva Basti is generally a gentle and soothing procedure. The herbal oil or decoction is warmed to a comfortable temperature, and the treatment aims to provide relief rather than cause discomfort. However, individual experiences may vary.

    The number of sessions recommended can vary based on the severity of the condition and the individual response to the treatment. Some individuals may experience relief after a few sessions, while others may require a more extended treatment course.

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